Last night President Gordon B Hinckley passed away. I was so shocked when I heard the news. Even though he was 97 years old a part of me felt as though he would stay on this earth forever, that he was somehow invincible. And as much as I would have liked that to be the truth, the more I've thought about him since his passing, the more I realize that it is his time. His lovely wife died herself a few years ago. They had one of those amazing relationships we all dream of having. I know that he missed her terribly and now he is finally able to be reunited with her. And after all the amazing things he was able to accomplish in his life, I doubt he had a single regret and was ready to go.
I'll miss his sense of humor, he was always a favorite to listen to. He had a spark and a love for life. I'll miss the way he gave his testimony in such a way that would never offend, however never leave any doubt of his beliefs. He was a wonderful man who impacted me in a huge way.