Saturday, November 29, 2008


So Talan's birthday was two weeks ago... guess I'm a little behind. I'm still in awe that my little baby is 2 now, it really feels like I just barely had him, even though I've already been through a 2nd pregnancy. He is such a joy in our lives. I can't imagine my life without him. I love you little man!
Here is a synopsis of his celebration. We had people over for cake and ice cream the night before.
Blowing out the candles on his Blue's Clues cake:

Enjoying some cake

Opening presents


The next day he wanted cake for lunch, and since it was his birthday I agreed, he also needed 3 plates for his one peice

That night we took him to a place called Jungle Jim's with a few of his cousins. It is a place with a few rides for toddlers and then video games and things. We had never been there but a few people from church told me it was a lot of fun. It really wasn't that great of a place, the rides were all really old and they just have a bunch of high school kids working there so they were all too busy flirting to really run the place well. Talan was terrified of the rides and screamed every time we tried to get him on one, or when Andy rode one with my neice (I think he was scared for Andy's life).
This picture shows you perfectly how the day went. This was the first ride we tried to force him on, the girl behind him is his cousin Madi

At first I was really upset since I chose the place, I felt like I had ruined his special day, I even cried I was so upset. But he had fun wasting all the tokens by jamming them into one skeeball game while Andy frantically tried to throw the balls to keep up (I think we used 15 tokens on one game) and walking around pushing all the buttons he could find... what more could a two year old want? There was also a slide there that he loved going down over and over
My nephew Jordan was finally able to get Talan to ride the airplanes ONE time without screaming bloody murder, he smiled and waved at us and I was happy.
After a few hours we went to dinner at Arby's next door. After dinner when we were getting in the car Talan told us he wanted to go "back". We decided since it was his birthday we'd go back in for a few minutes.
He actually seemed interested in riding the airplanes again. I took him on and this is what happened as soon as we sat down
I had to hold onto him with all my strength as the ride started, but by the 2nd rotation he was saying "up up up" and "I'm big". When the ride stopped he said "again!", we must have rode that dang thing 10 times in a row, many times without any other kids. Here we are actually enjoying the ride

Then I switched and Andy rode with him a few times, although Andy was a little too big for the ride. He actually rode on it like this the entire time, the 16 year old at the controls really didn't care of course
I was just glad that he FINALLY realized that we took him somewhere fun! We then of course couldn't get him to leave so even though we had already been there for like 4 hours we stayed till like 9 pm... it was his birthday afterall! LOL

Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy Halloween!

This is a little late, but here are my Halloween pictures FINALLY! Talan went as half monkey, half boy. It was quite the fight just to get him to put on his "jacket", and even then he wouldn't put the hood up so noone knew what he was trying to be... but he was still cute.
We went down to Payson to go trick or treating with my two sisters and their families. I really underestimated how hard it would be to teach an "almost 2 year old" how to trick or treat!! He was so cute carrying his little orange bucket to people's houses. As soon as the candy hit the bucket his hand was in there pulling it out with an immediate demand of "open it". He never had a single piece of candy in his bucket all night! Usually he would forget about the candy after asking us to open it in the excitment to run to the next house so most of it ended up in Andy's pockets and not his tummy thankfully!
Cohen was a very sleepy pumpkin. He slept the entire time, which I was thankful for. It was nice to just push him in the stroller and know he was content!
It was a wonderful night and created many memories for us!

This was the result of us ("us" meaning Andy) forcing him to put the whole costume on:

Heather's kids Courtney and Jordan holding my little pumpkin!

This was the best pic we could get of the boys together. Talan was throwing a fit over something before we left and it didn't stop till he started to get candy

Me and my pumpkin (no I did not dress up, I hate dressing up)

And finally the fun begins!!
