Sunday, August 23, 2009

5 years... and forever to go

5 years ago Andy and I met and began dating pretty much immediately. He and I met after I taught an lesson in Elder's Quorum. Yep you read that right. The Elder's Quorum president thought it would be hilarious for me to come in as a surprise and teach, just your normal single's ward craziness.
After church that day we had a linger longer. Andy came up to me and told me he enjoyed my lesson. However in the middle of talking to me he ditched me to talk to another girl he had been trying to go out with. Good for him I somehow ignored that and still invited him over for our weekly pot luck at my place.
This picture was taken that night, it's not the best of me! (it looks weird cause I scanned it in from my scrapbook, yep that's right I actually made a scrapbook once!)
Andy stayed late at the pot luck and from that night we began dating





and... 1 year later we were engaged!



Andy is amazing, I don't tell him that enough. He works so hard, goes to school full time AND works full time all while being an amazing father and husband. I love you babe... and I can't wait to spend forever with you!



Alida B. said...

Tears! I love this. Even though I know the story and I've heard it many times its so sweet to read it and to see the pictures and it just makes me so happy! :) I LOVE YOU BOTH

carolyn said...

YOu guys look so great together. What a great way to meet too!

Tanya Smith said...

Congrats! I love your wedding picture with the snow. Beautiful...

MOMster said...

I also love the picture of the temple in the background and the snowing falling lightly on and around you two. You are an awesome couple!!! Congrats on the 5 year mark!