We went down to Payson to go trick or treating with my two sisters and their families. I really underestimated how hard it would be to teach an "almost 2 year old" how to trick or treat!! He was so cute carrying his little orange bucket to people's houses. As soon as the candy hit the bucket his hand was in there pulling it out with an immediate demand of "open it". He never had a single piece of candy in his bucket all night! Usually he would forget about the candy after asking us to open it in the excitment to run to the next house so most of it ended up in Andy's pockets and not his tummy thankfully!
Cohen was a very sleepy pumpkin. He slept the entire time, which I was thankful for. It was nice to just push him in the stroller and know he was content!
It was a wonderful night and created many memories for us!
This was the result of us ("us" meaning Andy) forcing him to put the whole costume on:

Heather's kids Courtney and Jordan holding my little pumpkin!

This was the best pic we could get of the boys together. Talan was throwing a fit over something before we left and it didn't stop till he started to get candy

Me and my pumpkin (no I did not dress up, I hate dressing up)

And finally the fun begins!!

Sarah...your boys are very cute! I hope you had a Happy Halloween!
My little girl hates dressing up too! It was a fight to keep her costume on.
What a cute monkey-boy and pumpkin!
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