My mom came into town for a few weeks for Cohen's blessing. It was so wonderful to have her here. Talan and her became instant friends and he soon became totally attached to her. We all went out to dinner one night, afterward we were going to go to a park and let the kids run around. When I put Talan in the car he freaked out and started screaming for Grandma, so she had to ride with us the rest of the night. I'm so glad they were able to form a bond while she was here! We love Grandma!!!
Here are some pictures we took that night while playing at the park:
My mom and sister Heather with Cohen

Talan just being cute

My mom is terrified of heights, she followed Talan up to the top of this slide and nearly had a heart attack she was so freaked out! :)

My sister Kristy and her son Andrew holding Cohen

And my adorable nieces!!!

It's always fun when grandma comes! My little ones love visits from grandparents!
awwww aren't visits from grandma the best???!!! :)
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