This Sunday we had Cohen's blessing. What a spiritual day!!! It made me realize once again how amazing it is to have the gospel in my life. I am so glad I have a husband who holds the priesthood so he could hold Cohen in his arms and preform the blessing. But most of all I'm amazed that ME of all people have been sent two of the most adorable and special angels in the world. Every day I find new reasons to love my boys and being a mom. It is so so hard at times, but there are other times that I find myself tearing up because I can't believe how lucky I am to be doing the greatest job in the world. Cohen has been the perfect little addition to our family. I can't imagine my world without him.
Here are some pictures from his special day.
All dressed up in his blessing outfit

The Sargent family - there's four of us now!!

Talan in his "big boy" suit

Me and Megan

My mom and nephew with Cohen

After the blessing I put them in their matching Big/little brother shirts. I tried desperately to get a picture of them together... this was the result:

So I stuck Andy in there... not much better:

We then held a BBQ at the park for our families. It was fun watching the kids run around and play. This is my favorite picture of Talan ever. I'm going to enlarge it.

I love you Cohen James!
Oh yay! what a wonderful day..I love your attempt at getting pics of the kids together, hilarious!!! The family pic made me tear up...omg you have 2 kids!!!!! It seems so unreal. Congrats I luv u! Wish I coulda been there.
congrats!! your little family is so adorable!!! Two boys That is Awesome!! they will be good buds and in a year you will hardly ever see them they will be off playing together! :)
Your boys are so cute! I can see a little of their mommy in them. Kids are so fun!
Congratulations. you have 2 of the most adorable little boys. I thought that was cute trying to get a picture of the 2 of them together. Wish I could have been there. love ya.
Hi Sarah -
thanks for stopping by on my blog. Your little family is adorable and it's great that you seme happy and well.
don't be a stranger and keep in touch.
What cute little guys you have! Blessing day is always very special.
It's good to see your blog! I'll stop by more often!
You are a lucky woman. I admire and envy you.
Yay for our blessing buddies!!! Cohen is already so big- I can't believe it! you must have some super milk! I remember you posting when you first found out your were pregnant. I was shocked because you already had a name picked out. And now he's here!!! Boy, time flies...
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